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Band-aids and Misc.

To restart the TN web ui when it freezes or becomes unresponsive:

  • ssh into nas
  • sudo service middlewared restart
  • command might have to get repeated a few times if the restart hangs on "waiting for PID ###"

Getting SMB shares to work right:

The permissions seen in a mounted SMB share (on a remote device) are NOT what the literal permissions are on the TN dataset! those permissions can't be trusted, they can only be changed (for real) from the TN system itself! SMB share settings in TN are basically left at the default, with one addition in auxillary parameters:

inherit permissions = yes

This makes newly created files & folders inherit the permissions structure of the parent directory. Now newly scraped contet from *arr trackers will inherit the (correct) permissions from the parent folder, no need to worry about umask settings in the trackers themselves.