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The PC interface
The device that interfaces these alarm boards with my server, and my phone, is the Zooz Zen17 Uni...
I figure that, since the alarms have batteries, and my whole home automation system that I made t...
Guide (works for games and normal Windows programs)
Source: Linux: How to play Diablo II: Resurrected (Open Beta) with Steam (Proton) Install Steam ...
Install yay
Yay is a direct replacement for Pacman, all the commands do the same thing, except with the added...
Terminal Commands
To Update: Run these commands in order: yay -Syy yay -S archlinux-keyring yay -Syu Note: if yo...
CH 3: Test!
CH 2: Calibrate
CH 1: Set scale/sample rate of graphs
CH 0: What can the NanoVNA do?
The NanoVNA is a device that can test single port and multi-port RF devices, using two ports: CH0...
Step 1: Set up VPN
Follow directions of VPN software to create a LAN connection. Windows PC acting as RCForb Server ...
2x Windows PC's (tested up to Windows 10 20H2 (2021 release), at least one with audio I/O. Com0...
Step 2: set up COM port links & test
To make this easy, do the following setup OFF the VPN, with both PC's actually on the same LAN, a...